TSC warned over July CBA recovery paid to wrong school administrators

Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) has cautioned the teachers’ employer against recovering money irregularly paid to school administators under the Sh54 billion salary deal.

In a letter to Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia, Kuppet accuses the employer of using inaccurate data to reward the wrong beneficiaries for the last three years.

Kuppet Secretary General Akello Misori said the entry of wrong data by TSC staff was not the making of innocent teachers. He warned that any attempt to alter teachers’ pay would be rejected.

“We forewarn you that the union will not welcome the victimisation of teachers whose salaries under the Collective Bargaining Agreement (2017-2021 CBA) may have improved as a result of TCS’s data entry mistakes,” said Misori.

He was responding to a circular by Macharia that instructed county directors to send fresh accurate data to be used during the last phase of the CBA payments due in July 1.

In the circular dated June 3, Macharia said data captured and presented to TSC by its county officials in 2017 ahead of first installment of the CBA were inaccurate.

“It has been established that some of you provided inaccurate and misleading data, leading to erroneous conversions,” said Macharia

She said in the data presented to TSC, some ordinary classroom teachers were presented as belonging to higher grades exclusively reserved for institutional administrators.Also, some serving as deputy or senior teachers were wrongly captured as headteachers.

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