The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will deploy practicing primary school teachers to serve in special schools and junior secondary starting September this year.
The Commission CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia revealed that they have in excess of 18,057 teachers working in primary school section.
The surplus teachers were brought by the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) that saw two classes (Class 7 and 8) being scrapped.
However TSC now plans to use the excess teachers to address the severe teacher shortage in junior secondary and special schools.
TSC will deploy a total of 3,600 teachers drawn from primary and secondary schools to serve in special schools and units.
While appearing before the Cohesion and Equal Opportunities Committee, Macharia said the deployment will be done starting September this year.
Macharia said other sets of deployments will happen in January and June next year. TSC is targeting teachers with Diplomas and Degree in Special Needs Education (SNE).
“Due to budget constraints, the Commission has developed a phased deployment of teachers to Special needs schools to address the shortage,” Macharia told the Committee led by Hon Adan Haji.
The Committee was also informed that the Special Needs Schools in the country were facing a shortage of 5,362 teachers.
Macharia explained that TSC hired and deployed 1,763 teachers to schools in the month of May 2024.
Primary school teachers with Diplomas in SNE will be posted to serve in primary school special schools and units inline with their areas of specialization.
On junior secondary the Commission has revealed that it needs a total of 70,000 teachers to handle grades 7, 8 and 9.
Currently TSC is planning to deploy over 20,000 PTE teachers with various Diplomas and Degree certificates related to education.
Teachers at grades B5 and C1 who hold a bachelors degree will be issued with appointment letters to grade C2.
Teachers at grade B5 who hold a diploma in education related field will be issued with appointment letters to grade C1.
Teachers at grade C2 who holds a bachelors degree and were promoted on or before 26th March 2021 will be issued with appointment letters to grade C3.
Teachers at grade C1 who hold a diploma certificate and were promoted on or before 26th March 2021 will be issued with appointment letters to grade C2.
Teachers at grade C1 who hold a diploma certificate and have not completed three or more years will only be issued with deployment letters but will not move a grade as well as teachers at grade C2 who hold a diploma certificate.
The Commission already generated lists from its database per county containing names of P1 teachers with various Diploma and Degree certificates for deployment to grade nine.
TSC collected additional data of the teachers from Heads of Institutions (HOI’s) that will then be followed by documents verification and subsequent posting at the sub county level.
In an excel template TSC wanted primary school heads to provide the teachers KCSE mean grade, specialization e.g. BED ARTS,BED Primary option , BED SCIENCE, BED ECDE, BED SNE, Dip in education, Dip SNE, Dip ECDE as well as two teaching subjects with mean grade for those with secondary option.
Listed for deployment were also deputies and headteachers. Currently TSC is facing staffing crisis in junior schools.
TSC has lowered the requirements to teach in junior school with teachers possessing degree in primary option, ECDE and SNE included for deployment.
Previously teachers were required to have degree in secondary option with C+ in KCSE as well as C+ in the two teaching subjects for deployment to junior school.
God help us and let this happen as soon as possible
What of teachers with degrees and in C3,will they move to C4 after deployment to jss?
I hope that this is true to word……
What about Dhois with degrees and not promoted as Hois and had acted as Dhois for many years before they were promoted to Dhois this year?Will they be promoted as HOIS
We only need money,whether you have dip,degree or not,we are all but teaching right away.
I have acquired a degree this August what should i do if my data is not captured in portal by Hoi
TSC should know that teachers who have been handling Jss, majority are the same who had these learners in lower grades 4-6 now wth the learners in grades 7 & 8. Whatever else abt degrees and diploma is just a n illusion .
I pray this comes to pass.
September is here with us . Hurry up
September begins tomorrow,kindly hurry up, with the deployment process.
Lord gracious hear us
Waiting eagerly for deployment as we are in September
Hope this is true. BED primary option has been neglected for long.
I have applied for deployment to aspecial school.I have adegree in in sne, primary option ,hope it will go through
How soon will this happen. S
Dear Lord waiting on you
It’s taking too long!!
September is almost ending,kindly hurry up with this deployment process our able tsc.
Let me tell u ,the bests teachers to handle jss is P1 trs.
We have waited for so long.
We are past September and you have not called us for the verification. Instead, interested in the interns. We have the degree and already helping the learners in the junior school minus the money. Promote us asap! This is October
Waiting for this opportunity… its already October
Deployment neglected??? Eagerly waiting 🙏
What about teachers who are deployed to special schools, will they be promoted a grade higher?
I have applied for deployment to a Unit,I hope they will finally deploy me.
Heko Madam Macharia,you’re doing a good job. God bless you.
Grades 7,8&9 is handled by the same teachers who were handling the previous classes up to std 8.The same TSC has conducted CBC workshops over many years up to now. You have trained many teachers up to now. Where is the issue of degrees and diploma comes from. I hope you were training these teachers to cater for the uprising Grades 7,8,9.infact to deny them promotion know that you will repeat the CBC workshops to them again which is a waste of resources. Many of these teachers are now TOT’s.
Grades 7,8&9 is handled by the same teachers who were handling the previous classes up to std 8.The same TSC has conducted CBC workshops over many years up to now. You have trained many teachers up to now. Where is the issue of degrees and diploma comes from. I hope you were training these teachers to cater for the uprising Grades 7,8,9.infact to deny them promotion know that you will repeat the CBC workshops to them again which is a waste of resources. Many of these teachers are now TOT’s.
Grades 7,8&9 is handled by the same teachers who were handling the previous classes up to std 8.The same TSC has conducted CBC workshops over many years up to now. You have trained many teachers up to now. Where is the issue of degrees and diploma comes from. I hope you were training these teachers to cater for the uprising Grades 7,8,9.infact to deny them promotion know that you will repeat the CBC workshops to them again which is a waste of resources. Many of these teachers are now TOT’s.