TTC news

Ministry schedule for recruiting teacher trainees DPTE and DECTE



Day/Date and Activity

Wednesday 16th June, 2021

Thursday 17th to Tuesday 30th June, 2021
Registration of candidates at the zonal Education offices

Thursday 1st to Friday 2nd July, 2021
Compilation of Merit Lists at the Sub Counties

Monday 5th July, 2021
Submission of Zonal Merits to the Ministry Headquarters

Tuesday 6th to Friday 9th July, 2021
Pre-selection activities

Sunday 11th to Thursday 15th July, 2021
Selection Exercise/Post selection Activities

Monday 19th July, 2021
County Directors to collect admission letters for their Sub- Counties & respective zones

Tuesday 20th July, 2021
Successful candidates to collect their letters from Zonal Education Offices.

Tuesday 27th July, 2021
Selected candidates report to their respective Colleges (One day Reporting).

Monday 1st August, 2021
Principals submit second intake Students Returns

Tuesday 2nd August, 2021
Deadline for CDE’s to submit all uncollected Admission letters for first intake.


2.1        Each SCDE will constitute a panel per zone to conduct the registration exercise.  

Its Membership will comprise of the following: –

(a) Sub-county Director of Education (SCDE) – Chairman

(b) Sub-County QASO – Member

(c) Curriculum Support Officer – Secretary

(d) KNUT Representative – Member

(e) KEPSHA Representative – Member

2.2.1     All  the SCDE’s will be required to brief the officers  concerned (panel members) on the following:

(i)        Registration requirements and Procedures.

(ii)      Assessment and award of marks.

(iii)      Organization and preparation of Zonal Merit Lists.

NB:  All qualified candidates who wish to apply  should download the registration forms from the Ministry’s website; (Form A)


The following notes should be read carefully and SCDE’s are required to ensure that all panel members have understood them before the registration exercise begins:

3.1        Points to Note

3 .1.1     All applicants wishing to be considered for training in Public Diploma Primary Teachers Colleges will be required to register in person at their home Sub- Counties.

3.1.2   Applicants living in cities/municipalities must also be considered for registration upon production of Kenyan Identity card.

3.1.3    Only K.C.S.E candidates will be registered.



Each candidate will be required to present to the panel original Certificates and National Identity Card  or Application for Registration Acknowledgement (A.R.A) for scrutiny before being issued with a registration form. These will be returned to the candidate after verification.

Each applicant will be required to attach the following documents to the registration form:•

(a) One certified copy of academic certificate/result slip.

(b) Two certified passport size photographs taken recently, (not photo me).

(c) A  certified copy of Identity  Card (both sides) or Application for Registration Acknowledgement (A.R.A).

(d) A certified copy of School Leaving Certificate.

(e) A certified copy of Co-curricular Activity Certificate obtained (if any).

3.3      Registration Process (Document A)

3.3.1   Registration will commence at 8.00 a.m. and end at 5.00 p.m. on official working days.

3.3.2   All candidates must produce original Certificates or Result Slips.

3.3.3   Each candidate  will fill the first section of the assessment  form (document B) and other section will be left for official use.

3.3.4   After the candidate has filled the registration forms and attached certified copies of his/her Documents, he/she should immediately hand them over to the Sub-County or as may be Advised by the SCDE.

3.3.5   The SCDE will be required to counter- check against copies of certificates the Information entered in the registration forms by the candidates, to ascertain its correctness.

4.0      ASSESSMENT OF CANDIDATES (DOCUMENT B): SCDE should download theAssessment Form from the Ministry’s website;

4.1       The candidates will be awarded marks using the following criteria:

(a) Academic Qualification  (Mean Grade): Maximum marks will be 12.

(b) Quality of Certificate  (Subjects): Maximum marks will be 84.

(c) Co-curricular activity (if any): Maximum marks will be 5.

Total maximum marks will be 101

4.2      Scoring Procedure

4.2.1    Academic Qualification

In this part, marks  will be awarded  in accordance  with the mean  grade and the 12 points scale shown here below:  –

A – 12
A- – 11
B+ – 10
B – 9
B- – 8
C+ – 7
C – 6
C- – 5
D+ – 4
D – 3
D- – 2
E – 1
Maximum  marks awarded will be 12.

4.2.2   Quality of Certificate

Candidates will be awarded marks based on the grades obtained in KCSE IN SUBJECTS.

Award marks on the following  subjects: English, Mathematics, Kiswahili, best Science subject and any other 3 best subjects, using the12-point scale shown in 4.2.1 above.

4.2.3   Co-Curricular Activities

•     A maximum of 5 marks will be awarded for not more than one of the co-curricular activities such  as  football, music, debate, drama, Scouting/Girl guide, 4K club, Christian Union etc. at the highest level  (National).    

Marks  will  be  awarded  for meritorious performance. Evidence such as certificate or a testimonial letter should be shown.

•    Marks will be awarded  as follows:

(i)        Zonal Level                                      1

(ii)       Divisional  Level                              2

(iii)       Sub-county  Level                            3

(iv)       County Level                                   4

(v)        National  Level                                 5

4.2.4   Length of stay since KCSE

Marks will be awarded as follows:  •

a)   2007 – 2008                                20
b)  2009 -2010                                  15
c)  2011 -2013                                  10
d)  2014-2019                                   5
Maximum mark                               20


5.1       After the panel members have completed the registration process and awarded the marks in the  assessment forms, registration sheets should be prepared, separate for male  and female and indicating all details of the candidates such as names, ID number, and marks awarded and type of any physical handicap. These sheets should be handwritten.

5.2       The column under Code will show the sub-county and the zonal codes only.

5.3       At least two names of the candidate must be written in full and others initialed.

5.4       Indicate the grade and marks in the columns provided for Mean  Grade and subjects. For the 3 others subjects, indicate also the subject in short form.

5.5        Registration sheets will be prepared in three copies (one original and two carbon copies).


6.1        Merit lists should be hand written and not typed. Transfer of information from the registration  Sheet to the merit list must be done carefully to avoid mistakes.

6.2       The CODE column should indicate: Sub-County Code, Zonal Code, and Serial number in the registration sheet.

6.3       Write full and correct names of the candidate  e.g., REHEMA A. ABDI.

6.4       Copy the correct National Identity Card Number (I.D) or The Serial number in the application of registration acknowledgement (A.R.A).

6.5       Make sure that contact addresses are correct and legible.

6.6       Ensure that the Grade and Marks of the Mean Grade and Subjects are correctly recorded.

6. 7       Merit lists will be prepared  from the highest ranked to lowest ranked  candidate using the total marks awarded.

6.8      Handicapped Applicants.

The Panel Members should indicate any physical handicap which the applicants may have e.g. deaf, blind etc.

6.9       The merit lists should be categorized male and female separately.

6.10     The originals and the two copies must be stamped  and countersigned by the Sub-county Officer and KNUT representatives.

N.B:    No pasting of the list of panel members on the merit lists is allowed.


7.1        Sub-county Directors of Education Officers will be in-charge of the whole exercise, from the time of registration of the candidates  to the time of submission  of the Merit Lists to the Ministry Headquarters.

7 .2        The Panel Chairman will be held responsible for accuracy of all the information in the merit lists e.g., accurate address, mean grade and subject grades, and marks.

8.0      POINTS TO NOTE: –

(a) Candidates should register in their home-sub-county or as may be advised by the Sub-county Director of Education.

(b) As soon as a candidate has filled the registration form and it is received by the officer in-charge, together with the required documents, the assessment should follow immediately.

(c) The merit lists must be prepared by the whole Panel and not left to the Secretary alone.

(d) The  Sub-county Director of Education Officer should  countersign  and stamp the original Merit Lists after careful scrutiny to ensure that un-authorized names do not appear.

(e) The Chairman of the panel will stamp and sign the first copy of the merit list before direct submission to the Ministry Headquarters.

(f)   While the SCDE’s are responsible for the entire exercise, the CDE’s are requested to monitor the exercise.


The  following  documents should be submitted to the Ministry Headquarters by the SCDE’s in pdf form. Through the ministry email-

(a) Registration Sheets (original) for male and female candidates – Document C in both soft and hard copies

(b) Merit Lists (original) for male and female candidates – Document D

(c) Sub-County Summary of Applicants – Document E

(d) The Nil return form for any Zone where there were no – Document “F” Applicants

Note “the above documents for DECTE and DPTE” should be separate.

(e) All Application forms for candidates should be retained by the CDE’s.   

They should contain:

(i)        2 passport size photographs taken recently.

(ii)      A copy of the academic certificate.

(iii)     A copy of School leaving certificate.

(iv)      A copy of co-curricular activity (if any).

(v)       One copy ofldentity Card (both sides) or A.RA

N/B:  CDE’s, please take note of point number (e) above (not to be brought to Ministry HQS).


(a) Zonal lists of selected candidates packed per sub-county together with the actual admission letters for selected candidates will be collected from Jogoo House ‘B’ Room 116 on Monday 19th July 2021 (No posting of admission letters will be done).

(b) Each student must collect his/her letter in person, and sign for it.

(c) SCDE’s will submit to the headquarters the original zonal lists of selected candidates signed by the students and retain the copy.

(d) AII uncollected admission letters for the first intake will be returned  by hand, and not posted, to the Ministry Headquarters.


11.1    The following points must be strictly observed:

(a) Ensure KNUT’s representative’s signature and rubber stamp appear on each Merit list.

(b) Ensure that SCDE’s rubber stamp and signature appear on each Merit List.

(c) Each  applicant’s I.D Number or A.R.A serial number must be clearly written on the registration  forms and merit lists.

(d) Each candidate’s correct address must be written on the registration  sheet and merit lists.

(e) Ensure marks are computed and awarded correctly.

(f)  The candidate’s mean grade should be written clearly.

(g) Specify the nature of the candidate’s handicap where applicable.

(h)Merit Lists should be neat and legible e.g. No rubbing, crossing, pasting  or white out are allowed.

(i)  Merit Lists must be submitted  through the SCDE in their original form and not photocopied.

(j)  Deadline for Submission  must be strictly observed  by each SCDE.

Julius 0. Jwan, PhD, MBS

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