‘Hatuna Pesa’ Ruto to address the nation on teachers strike

President William Ruto is set to address the nation on looming teachers’ strike and the new university funding model today Sunday evening.

A Sunday dispatch from the Education ministry says Dr Ruto will discuss “pertinent issues on education” in a town-hall meeting at the Kenyatta Convention Centre (KICC) in Nairobi.

The announcement of the meeting comes amid last-ditch efforts by the government to avert the job boycott called by two main teachers’ unions- the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) and the Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet).

Both teachers unions through there organs have endorsed the teachers strike that starts tomorrow Monday.

Knut and Kuppet had summoned their top decision making organs before issuing final statement on teachers strike.

In a notice Kuppet had asked its National Governing Council (NGC) members to meet in Nairobi on Sunday 25th August 2024.

Knut on the other hand had summoned its branch secretaries who are members of the National Executive Counci (NEC) to attend a meeting in Nairobi on Saturday by 10.00 a.m.

Both NGC and NEC members must vote before the strike is officially launched. The two organs have voted in favour of the strike until the teachers demands are met.

Kuppet issued a statement after the NGC meeting today. Knut will issue a press briefing at 2 .00 pm today.

“There being no imminent resolution of the members grievances by the expiry of our Strike Notice, the meeting resolved to press ahead with the strike from Monday 26th August. The union will mobilize its members to fight hard for their labour rights until justice is attained,” said Kuppet secretary general in a statement.

Both Knut and Kuppet have considered to have joint demonstrations in advocating for the rights of their members.

The unions want TSC to promote 130,000 teachers, remit teachers third party deductions including loans and medical allowances.

They also want a new CBA as the current one ends. Further they want TSC to confirm all the 46,000 intern teachers to permanent and pensionable terms.

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