TSC news

Gvt advertises PS jobs in the Public Service Commission 2024


Requirements for Appointment

For appointment to this position, a candidate should;

(i) be a citizen of Kenya
(ii) hold a degree from a university recognized in Kenya
(iii) have at least ten years relevant professional experience, five years of which should have been in a leadership position or at a top management level in the public service or private sector
(iv) possess general knowledge of the organization and functions of the government
(v) demonstrate an understanding of the goals, policies and developmental objectives of the nation
(vi) have demonstrable leadership and management capacity including knowledge of financial management and strategic people management
(vii) meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution on leadership and integrity

Duties and Responsibilities

A Principal Secretary will be responsible to the Cabinet Secretary in the performance of his/her duties. Specific duties and responsibilities shall include;

(i) Accounting Officer and Authorized Officer of the State Department

(ii) Implementing Government policies and the strategic plan for the State Department

(iii) Facilitating the achievement of the goals and objectives of Government and Inter-Government programmes and projects

(iv) Developing and implementing an effective performance management system

(v) Ensuring efficient and effective utilization of financial, Human and other Resources in the State Department and submitting regular statutory reports as required

(vi) Promoting the values and principles spelt out in Articles 10 and 232 of the Constitution of Kenya

Terms of Service

(i) A Principal Secretary will serve on contract as determined by the appointing Authority

(ii) The gross monthly salary and benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission as per Kenya Gazzette No. 10346 of 9th August 2023

(iii) Serving public servants appointed to this position may be granted leave of absence by the Public Service Commission

How To Apply

(a) Each application should be accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae, copies of relevant academic and professional certificates and transcripts, National Identity Card or Passpoert, testimonials and other relevant supporting documents. Scanned copies of these documents must accompany an online application

(b) All applicaions should be clearly marked ‘Application for the position of Principal Secretary’ and submitted in any one of the following ways;

(i) Manual applications should be hand delivered to the Office of the secretary/CEO situated on the 4th floor of Commission House, off Harambee Avenue, Nairobi

(ii) Online applications should be e-mailed in pdf format to; principalsecretary2024@publicservice.go.ke

(iii) Postsl applications should be addressed to;

The Secretary/CEO
Public Service Commission
Commission House
P.O Box 30095-00100

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