How to change names for 2022 KCPE candidates results (Circular)

TO: 1) All Heads of Primary Schools that presented Candidates for the 2022 KCPE Examination
2) All Sub-County Directors of Education


The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) hereby issues the following guidelines with regard to examination results for all the candidates who sat the 2022 KCPE examination:

1.0 Awarding of Examination results to Candidates

The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) is awarded to candidates who fulfil all the requirements for the examination as prescribed by KNEC in the related rules and regulations. Results for all candidates who have met the criteria for awarding of KCPE examination results shall be reported using both numeric and letter grading as follows:

Numeric GradeGradeMarks
12AOver 79
1EBelow 25

2.0  Issuance of Examination Results’ Print-outs

KNEC will issue a hard copy of results print-out for each examination centre which had registered candidates for the 2022 KCPE examination, capturing the following information:

(a) Centre Code (the unique number assigned to the school) and name;

(b) Candidates’ details, including their index numbers; year of birth; the Religious Education option that the candidates sat for; gender; and secondary school choices.

(c) Candidates’ examination results including the scores attained by each candidate in the subjects registered; and the total scores/marks (on the extreme right of the rows. Hearing impaired candidates who sat for Kenyan Sign Language (KSL) instead of Kiswahili will have a score in the column titled KSL and a dash in the column for Kiswahili scores.

3.0 Issuance of Examination Results Slips

The Kenya National Examinations Council has posted the candidates examination results on the KNEC website, with a provision for schools to print individual candidates’ result slips. To access the slips, the school can log in to the KNEC website (; key in the  candidate’s index number and print a hard copy of the slip. Schools are expected to issue signed copies of result slips to parents / guardians of the candidates.

It is important to note that Result slips are provisional and KNEC reserves the right to correct the information given therein before certificates are issued.

4.0 Examination Irregularity Cases

Examination results for candidates involved in examination malpractice are denoted by 00 in the affected subject(s). Candidates involved in examination malpractice in all subjects will therefore have their total score indicated as 00. A candidate who is involved in an examination malpractice in less than five (05) subjects will receive the total marks obtained in the remaining subjects. Candidates whose results have been cancelled in a subject(s) are  not barred from proceeding to secondary school provided that they meet the stipulated entry requirements.

5.0 Handling of queries related to Examination Results

Any query or error noted in the results (except secondary school choices) should be brought to the attention of KNEC within thirty (30) days after release of results.

Requests for amendment of names (for candidates or schools); gender; year of birth; and/or citizenship status will attract a query fee of Kes.300 if submitted to KNEC within 30 days after release of KCPE examination results. Queries submitted thirty (30) days after release of KCPE examination results will be charged at Kes.3,000 per query. Such queries may be  lodged online through the Query Management Information System (QMIS) using the link:, hence clients do not need to visit KNEC offices in order to raise queries. Clients must however attach the relevant documents, including a letter from school, copy of birth certificate and the results slip.

Queries related to examination results must be made through the Heads of schools and the Sub-County Directors of Education (SCDEs). The letters of Appeal must reach KNEC not later than thirty (30) days after the release of the examination results. Queries received after the lapse of the stipulated period will not be considered.

6.0 Issuance of Certificates

All certificates will be issued to candidates through the Heads of Schools and Sub-County Directors of Education for private candidates. KNEC reserves the right to withdraw a certificate for amendment or for any other reason, should this be deemed necessary.

All Head Teachers and Sub County Directors of Education who presented candidates for 2022 KCPE examination are hereby requested to disseminate the contents of this circular to their candidates and relevant stakeholders.

Dr. David Njengere, MBS

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