Kuppet calls on government to release school events calendar

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers has urged the government to release schools’ calendar of events.

On March 11, Health CS Mutahi Kagwe ordered the resumption of sporting activities in schools owing to reduced Covid-19 infections.

Sporting activities in schools were suspended in March 2020 by President Uhuru Kenyatta during the national lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus.

Nakuru Kuppet executive secretary Mr Duncan Macharia said the Education ministry should release the events calendar for proper planning.

“We don’t have enough time. The ministry should have released it by now. We need to engage the Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association, music festivals, drama festivals and the Kenya Science and Engineering Fair,” he said.

Mr Macharia added that sporting activities in schools help to identify and develop students’ talents.

“School games help us to identify talents. We develop the next generation of athletes and other sportsmen and women who may end up participating in global events.”

Mr Macharia said school co-curricular activities keep students occupied and reduce indiscipline.

“When learners are engaged in these sporting activities and other co-curricular activities cases of school unrest will reduce,” he said.

Apart from the school co-curricular activities, tournaments that involve high school students include Copa Coca Cola and Chapa Dimba Na Safaricom.

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