Teachers aged 58 and above can resume in-person teaching, PS Kipsang

The government will not bar any teacher aged 58 years and above from reporting to school for fear of contracting coronavirus.

Education Principal Secretary Dr Belio Kipsang said the ministry has received reports that most teachers aged 58 and above, who had been advised to stay home for health concerns have started going back to their schools.

“We have received reports that those teachers are eager to go back to school. The ministry will not stop them.

What is important is for them to be vigilant. Age should not be an issue so long as they adhere to the health measures,” he stated.

Speaking in Bomet yesterday, Kipsang also pointed out that the government has put in place necessary measures of ensuring a comprehensive health cover for all teachers and students in public secondary schools through the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIF).

The PS had visited to assess the distribution of desks to schools across the county.

He said 60 per cent of desks have been delivered to both primary and secondary schools across the country so far in line with the government’s plan of ensuring social distancing is adhered to while disclosing that Sh700 million has already been paid out to the contracted artisans across the country.

He said the exercise is expected to be finalised by weekend, save for counties facing challenges of materials and labour in Turkana and Lamu, which he stated will have additional time.

“So far, we are achieving what we wanted. Our main objective was to have our children sit in a comfortable learning environment as we strive to ensure health protocols are observed,” said Dr Kipsang.

The ministry, he noted, budgeted for Sh1.9 billion towards the process as part of the stimulus programme to ensure local investors benefit from it.

 “All those who were awarded contracts and have supplied the desks have already been paid.

That is an income to them and the community because we know they have employed many young people to assist them, this is the essence of the stimulus programme,” said Kipsang.

He stated that as of Tuesday, more than 94 per cent  of students in secondary schools and 95 per cent in primary had reported since schools reopened. 

The PS said the 6,000 teachers recently recruited have already reported at their respective schools with 12,000 interns also engaged by the government set to report soon.

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